Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Celebrating 50 years! Beautiful couple still so much in love!

I have had the absolute pleasure and honour to take celebratory portraits for this beautiful couple to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary!

Like many families, this lovely couple have endured many challenges and heart break during their lives, as well as many wonderfully happy times and memories! Together however their obviously strong bond has meant that their marriage survived the bumps, pot holes and a particularly large mountain that life has thrown at them and their family!

I was first introduced to this family many years ago now as one of my dearest friends married into the family. From my first meeting all those years ago, I have always been welcomed and met with open arms! This couples generosity and kindness is obvious.

The children of this couple are fantastic individuals and I'm so pleased that I have been able to get to know their children (and grandchildren!) and be a part (albeit small!) of this lovely couples lives.

I enjoyed hearing some of the stories about their lives - their wedding day, first home, the home they are in now, their amazing garden, the birth of their 4 children and a very tragic loss. I heard about their children and what they are doing now, how proud they are of their grandchildren and how much they are looking forward to seeing their son and his family in Cairns this Christmas (and I'm particularly jealous of this!)

Doreen and Peter - congratulations on 50 years of marriage - you should both be very proud of all you have achieved in your time together and it is lovely to see you so happy together. Thank you for allowing me to share this special time with you!

Until next time …..

Happy Snapping
Larissa x

Friday, 10 October 2014

Personal Child and Family Post

It was such a beautiful morning this morning as my son and I walked to school - the sun was shining, we spotted 3 kookaburra's on the electric wire (no pants on fire!) and watched as 2 of them caught their breakfast! This morning was much like another morning on this day 6 years ago ...

Today is a significant day for me, as is the 10th of October every year! Today is my son's birthday and today he turns 6!

Here is my newborn son - Yes - 10 pounds 7 ounces! Big Boofa!
All of us who are parents know that the journey of parenthood is like a giant never ending roller coaster ! The highs and lows are endless and we've certainly had our share. Every year at this time, like I'm sure many parents do, I reflect over the past years and the many years leading up to his birth.

Less than a week old
My husband and I are one of the couples where falling pregnant did not come naturally. We tried to fall pregnant for several years and ended up needing to explore other options which led us to our journey with IVF. Trying to fall pregnant was an incredibly emotional time of our lives, facing infertility and the possibility of not having children. I still do not know how I would have ever coped with that outcome! I had started an alternative life plan - if I was not pregnant by my 40th birthday - we were moving to Far North Queensland for a couple of years to work on dive boats!

Just after his 1st birthday - cheeky boy getting into everything including the heating ducts!!!
Thankfully for us, IVF worked, and before my 40th birthday!! I was thrilled to find out I was pregnant - I clearly remember finding out - I had been to the IVF clinic that morning for a blood test (as I had embryo's implanted 2 weeks earlier - those 2 weeks after implantation are like no other 2 weeks a woman experiencing IVF can ever live through!). It was the first blood test I had where I had not started menstruating, so there was a little glimmer of maybe bubbling away in the background! I did not let those bubbles rise to the surface though - too much disappointment!

Hanging with my dog on a camping trip, just turned 2
I was at work and my mobile rang and it was lunch time - I looked at the number and I knew it was the IVF clinic - they NEVER called me this early - it was always mid afternoon. I didn't answer it, I was in the staff room, I was feeling a little freaked! A message was left - is scoffed the rest of my lunch and went to the quiet room at work. I listened to the message - please call back - I called back. I was pregnant! Ecstasy! I was bursting! I called my husband! Jubilation!

First trip to the snow! Just before his 3rd Birthday, with mum, grandma and grandpa.
The first few weeks after a positive blood test and undergoing IVF, the pregnancies are very closely monitored. There were weekly blood tests for the next few weeks plus a scan at 7 weeks to check for the heat beat. Seeing and hearing the heartbeat for the first time was amazing! I was instantly bonded with this child growing within me, I was in love, I am a mother …. finally. Until ……….
Yep - a massive Cars fan! Just after his 3rd Birthday
I started bleeding. Oh no! It can't be happening! Having had a miscarriage already around the same time of pregnancy, I new what this looked like. The same bleeding, the same time. Ecstasy to the deepest hole in hell in the space of 5 seconds. I need to be admitted to a psychiatric unit, I can't stand this anymore. Coincidentally I had my final check up with my IVF specialist the next day. Don't jump to conclusions, it might be OK (really? Bull!$%#). We arrive to see the IVF specialist, I look and feel like crap, I've done nothing but cry for the last 12 hours and I haven't slept at all. The IVF specialist is stressed too and ended up being quite rude which was not helpful!!! Off for an emergency scan ……

Love our mum and son hugs at bedtime, my favourite time of the day (or night!) Around 31/2
The sonographer is tense, my husband is keeping a brave and stoic face, I'm just a mental case of sadness, despair and hormones. There is my baby - did I see it move? No, just my imagination, no, it moved - Oh! there's the heartbeat! Really! Is it really there? It is really there - my baby is still alive, bouncing around. The source of the bleeding can't be found, but the baby is fine, just fine, looking healthy and fine. So I cry again, and sob and try and compose myself. I'm exhausted, but feeling so relieved, so very relieved.
Dinosaurs have been and continue to be a big feature in our lives! Just after his 4th Birthday
I find a fabulous obstetrician and I am still monitored closely. The pregnancy continues fairly uneventful until my 14 week check up where we receive our 12 week scan results. Only one umbilical artery found at the 12 week scan. There should be two. What does this mean? It might mean nothing, or it might mean kidney and or cardiac problems for the baby (won't know until 24 week scan), could mean the baby needs to be born at 28 - 30 weeks as the baby wont receive enough nourishment in utero. Should I be worried? No said the obstetrician, I shouldn't. Yeah right!

Father and son! Just after his 5th Birthday

Us! Great Barrier Reef - aboard Calypso out of Port Douglas - I'm in this one! (The boats photographer took these images)
I was in denial. I had entered the bizarre 2nd trimester where I no longer felt sick and felt quite good. Thankfully I could feel the baby move by around 17 weeks, so I took some comfort in that. 24 week scan day arrived and I was nervous, but at least I new my baby was alive and I would cope with what ever was coming my way. I told the sonographer that I was a nurse and that I wanted to know what they were seeing and to not hide anything from me!! So here we go again, what are we going to find out this time? Ummm, well, there are actually 2 umbilical arteries! Pardon? Yes, there are 2 umbilical arteries! So there is nothing wrong? No, there is nothing wrong. For goodness sake! Thank goodness but really!! I don't need anymore of this roller coaster ride!!!
This is his bad man gangster face (we were at a gangster and flappers party in Cairns!) Just after his 5th Birthday
Thankfully the rest of the pregnancy was very routine - no more surprises, no more strain, no more ups and downs and round and rounds. Until the birth - but that is a story for another day - maybe the 7th birthday!

While life has not turned out exactly how I imagined (unfortunately no more children for us, but we feel very blessed indeed to have our amazing son in our lives), each and every day I am so grateful that we have a beautiful healthy son to share our lives with. His zest for life is awesome and each and everyday he brings so much joy and laughter to our lives. You have changed me, I am a better person because of you.

Happy Birthday my beautiful, amazing wonderful son. Your dad and I are very proud of you and the brilliant young boy you have become. We love you to the moon and back, all around the universe and back a hundred million times!

Happy 6th Birthday!

If you enjoyed reading my blog, please sign up so that you will get notified when the next one comes out! Head on over to my website www.larissahill.com.au and sign up to my newsletter too - you will never miss a thing!

I would love to hear your comments and experiences with your pregnancies and falling pregnant! Feel free to share in comments below!

If you are struggling with fertility issues, have experienced miscarriage/s and are feeling pretty crap - my heart goes out to you as do my positive vibes. There is hope in your future and you will come through the other side, you will get there, hang on! Life is meant to throw us curve balls that smash us in the face. If you are feeling overwhelmed and not coping, please seek help.

Here are some useful links -

Monday, 29 September 2014

Spring is a great time to ……...

This statement evokes so many possibilities for me! I love Spring! Do you love Spring? What do you love to do in Spring? Let me know in comments below!

Spring would have to be my all time favourite season! Why? Well because …..

Spring provides us with the opportunity to stop and smell the roses (or the camellias in this case!) Flowers are blooming everywhere and are such a beautiful site! I love flowers and those that have been following me awhile know that I sort of have OCD when it comes to photographing flowers!

Spring is also a fabulous time for playing with animals! And if you can find some baby animals, all the better! We haven't found many baby animals but these gorgeous big ones will do!

Spring is a great time spending it with extended family! There are so many things we can do now that we are getting warmer days and balmy evenings ….. like toasting marshmallows with your cousins!

Or collecting tadpoles and watching them change into frogs!

Or for being a Cowboy! Yeeha!

Blowing Bubbles with Pop! Has to be an all time favourite for kids and kids at heart!!

We can also just hang out and have fun!

And look for the little things all around us!

I would love to hear about some of your favourite things to do in Spring! Please share in the comments below! 

If you are doing something extra special this Spring, or just feel like taking advantage of the brilliant light Spring offers us book a photo session with Larissa Hill Photography! Create stunning images of your children and family as they are today so that the memories endure forever! Contact me today - larissa@larissahill.com.au, 0412 615 097. Our stunning portraits make fabulous Christmas gifts! Contact me today so that we can discuss your vision! 

Until next time, happy snapping!

Larissa x

PS - BE QUICK! There is 1 DAY TO GO until we announce the lucky person who receives a FREE Christmas Mini Session! If you haven't "liked" our Facebook Page - do it now here for your chance to receive a FREE CHRISTMAS MINI SESSION! You have until midnight AEST Tuesday 30th September! If you are receiving this Blog via email, your already on my mailing list so you are half way there!! For further information check out my website. Terms and conditions apply

Monday, 8 September 2014

Fun Fun Fun! Meet Anna and Charlie!

Meet the faces of my 2014 Christmas Mini Session Promotion! I had the pleasure of hosting these gorgeous girls for a photo shoot last week - they were the perfect models to promote my upcoming Christmas Mini Session being held on Saturday 8th November in Ringwood!

Our Christmas Mini Session is a fun and convenient way for you to create unique and personalised Christmas gifts for family and friends (Grandparents LOVE receiving a beautiful image of their children and / or grandchildren at Christmas - some clients come back each year and have started a tradition in their family!)

Each Mini Session includes:
  • up to a 20 minute photo shoot
  • 3 x 12.5 x 17.5cm prints
  • 1 x 20.5 x 25.5cm prints
  • 1 set of 13 x 18cm folded cards with envelopes! 
Your friends and family will love receiving their personalised Christmas Greeting Card with your beautiful family on the front. Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles and friends will absolutely adore a quality, professional grade archival print of your family!

Our Christmas Mini Sessions are unique, popular and places are limited! Bookings are now open! If you or someone you know would like to book - click on this link now and let me know and we will secure your place and preferred time!

If you would like more information regarding our Christmas Mini Session, click here where you will be taken to my website. Alternatively you can email me here!

Cheeky Girls!
The Christmas Mini Session will take place on Saturday 8th November during the day and will be in the Ringwood Nth area of Melbourne. The exact location will be given once booking is finalised. The Christmas Mini Session is $120 and full payment is required at time of booking to secure your place and preferred time. Book here now!

Have a great day!

Until next time, happy snapping!


Larissa x

Friday, 29 August 2014

It's all in the family!

I have been very lucky as child and had the opportunity and privilege of spending a fair bit of time growing up with my cousins. We don't see as much of each other these days but I was thrilled to be asked to take some beautiful images of my cousin, his (soon to be) wife and their two gorgeous children!

For me, family is number one and I love seeing parents and children being with each other just hanging out and having fun. This is what children will remember as they grow!

Their little boy reminds me of his dad at a similar age - love seeing the genetics at work!

Its not clear who the baby girl resembles - at the moment she is a beautiful mix of the mum and dad.

I love my job!!

Children change and grow so quickly and photography is a wonderful way to capture moments in time. 

Spring is a perfect season for photography! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming! 

If you would like to capture your family's moments and create beautiful heirloom prints for your home, check out my website and contact me today!

Until next time - Happy Snapping

Larissa x

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Gorgeous Family Portrait Session


A week or so ago I attended a photo shoot of this beautiful family - I feel honoured to have been asked to take these photo's to celebrate the arrival of their third child, baby Tahli!

I met this family around a year ago through our children's school. Although we have only known each other a relatively short time, I feel I have known this family for years. We have shared so much over the past year and it is lovely to see how our children are growing and engaging in the world.

Parenthood is such a journey with so many highs and lows, but there is nothing more rewarding than being a parent and enjoying the personalities of our children develop and thrive!

Our boys are thriving at school and growing in confidence everyday. Miss 3 and a bit is full of spunk!

If you would like to book your own child or family portrait sitting - contact me here via email, via my Facebook Page or via my Website! 

Remember our Winter Warmer Promotion is still running - you could receive a FREE Christmas Mini Session - check out the details here!

Until next time …. Happy Snapping!

Larissa x