Friday, 29 August 2014

It's all in the family!

I have been very lucky as child and had the opportunity and privilege of spending a fair bit of time growing up with my cousins. We don't see as much of each other these days but I was thrilled to be asked to take some beautiful images of my cousin, his (soon to be) wife and their two gorgeous children!

For me, family is number one and I love seeing parents and children being with each other just hanging out and having fun. This is what children will remember as they grow!

Their little boy reminds me of his dad at a similar age - love seeing the genetics at work!

Its not clear who the baby girl resembles - at the moment she is a beautiful mix of the mum and dad.

I love my job!!

Children change and grow so quickly and photography is a wonderful way to capture moments in time. 

Spring is a perfect season for photography! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming! 

If you would like to capture your family's moments and create beautiful heirloom prints for your home, check out my website and contact me today!

Until next time - Happy Snapping

Larissa x

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