Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Getting with the times!


I am very excited to be writing my first Blog post and finally getting with the times! So many people blog every day and I love reading others' Blogs. I thought it was time that I joined the masses and started my own Blog! So, here I am now - my first Blog - the next step in connecting with you, my photography clients, readers and followers! 

I plan to Blog about many different things related to photography -  some of my favourite photographs taken by other photographers, my favourite photographs I've taken of my clients, friends and family, tips and tricks, special events, news and other interesting bits and pieces!

This is one of my favourite photos of my son when he was around 3 years old. We were at a local park with our dog Basil. A plane flew over and my son looked up to watch the plane fly past us - it was a Qantas plane (we could see the flying kangaroo!) and flying quite low - he was fascinated. It was like he really understood that this huge man made object was actually in the air - flying! He had a real WOW moment! This one image, captured forever, takes me back to this day and time every time I look at it. The photo brings precious memories and happy sentimental emotions. 

This is why I love photography so much - photography for me is more than taking a photo - it is about creating images that mean something - its about capturing a story in a moment in time, capturing personalities and relationships, creating artwork to adorn your walls. Laughing, loving, creating.

Since I decided to start up my photography business, I have been behind the scenes creating my brand, posting on Facebook and building my  Website, I am loving Instagram and Pinterest. I am learning so much and it is so rewarding watching my dreams and vision take form and shape and become real and tangible! Blogging seemed like the natural progression to take full advantage of this technology age

My business is a boutique photography business. I have spent considerable time thinking about the experience I would like my clients to have and what it would feel to be my client. These attributes include excellent customer service and creation of photographic works of art to be displayed proudly on your walls. From our first conversation over the telephone, right through to the delivery of your images, your experience will be special. You deserve it!

Does all of this appeal to you? Sign up to my Blog posts either via RSS feed or via email. Head on over to Facebook and like my page and click on the link to my Website and share it with your friends and family! Thank you.

My son - modelling for me - the grass in mouth
was his idea!
As with most businesses (and life in general), people rarely achieve their dreams without the support of others. I would like to thank the wonderful Natasha of Parisotto Design - Natasha designed my logo and all of my branding (business cards, banner, booklet etc). I am so happy with how my business looks and feels! My husband - 100% unconditional support for me to start this journey - I love you - thank you. My son, who after 5 and a bit years has finally recognised the benefit of having a camera in his face and has started modelling for me - finally!! 

Thank you to you, my clients, readers and followers. Without you my vision would still be that - a vision! 

All returning clients to Larissa Hill Photography receive exclusive offers to say thank you for engaging me to share this time with you. Clients who refer family and friends also receive exclusive offers that both existing client and new referral receive. Look out in my Blogs for special offers and special events! My business relies on word of mouth and is the biggest compliment I could receive - thank you!

Until next time, happy snapping ….

Larissa x