Monday, 29 September 2014

Spring is a great time to ……...

This statement evokes so many possibilities for me! I love Spring! Do you love Spring? What do you love to do in Spring? Let me know in comments below!

Spring would have to be my all time favourite season! Why? Well because …..

Spring provides us with the opportunity to stop and smell the roses (or the camellias in this case!) Flowers are blooming everywhere and are such a beautiful site! I love flowers and those that have been following me awhile know that I sort of have OCD when it comes to photographing flowers!

Spring is also a fabulous time for playing with animals! And if you can find some baby animals, all the better! We haven't found many baby animals but these gorgeous big ones will do!

Spring is a great time spending it with extended family! There are so many things we can do now that we are getting warmer days and balmy evenings ….. like toasting marshmallows with your cousins!

Or collecting tadpoles and watching them change into frogs!

Or for being a Cowboy! Yeeha!

Blowing Bubbles with Pop! Has to be an all time favourite for kids and kids at heart!!

We can also just hang out and have fun!

And look for the little things all around us!

I would love to hear about some of your favourite things to do in Spring! Please share in the comments below! 

If you are doing something extra special this Spring, or just feel like taking advantage of the brilliant light Spring offers us book a photo session with Larissa Hill Photography! Create stunning images of your children and family as they are today so that the memories endure forever! Contact me today -, 0412 615 097. Our stunning portraits make fabulous Christmas gifts! Contact me today so that we can discuss your vision! 

Until next time, happy snapping!

Larissa x

PS - BE QUICK! There is 1 DAY TO GO until we announce the lucky person who receives a FREE Christmas Mini Session! If you haven't "liked" our Facebook Page - do it now here for your chance to receive a FREE CHRISTMAS MINI SESSION! You have until midnight AEST Tuesday 30th September! If you are receiving this Blog via email, your already on my mailing list so you are half way there!! For further information check out my website. Terms and conditions apply

Monday, 8 September 2014

Fun Fun Fun! Meet Anna and Charlie!

Meet the faces of my 2014 Christmas Mini Session Promotion! I had the pleasure of hosting these gorgeous girls for a photo shoot last week - they were the perfect models to promote my upcoming Christmas Mini Session being held on Saturday 8th November in Ringwood!

Our Christmas Mini Session is a fun and convenient way for you to create unique and personalised Christmas gifts for family and friends (Grandparents LOVE receiving a beautiful image of their children and / or grandchildren at Christmas - some clients come back each year and have started a tradition in their family!)

Each Mini Session includes:
  • up to a 20 minute photo shoot
  • 3 x 12.5 x 17.5cm prints
  • 1 x 20.5 x 25.5cm prints
  • 1 set of 13 x 18cm folded cards with envelopes! 
Your friends and family will love receiving their personalised Christmas Greeting Card with your beautiful family on the front. Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles and friends will absolutely adore a quality, professional grade archival print of your family!

Our Christmas Mini Sessions are unique, popular and places are limited! Bookings are now open! If you or someone you know would like to book - click on this link now and let me know and we will secure your place and preferred time!

If you would like more information regarding our Christmas Mini Session, click here where you will be taken to my website. Alternatively you can email me here!

Cheeky Girls!
The Christmas Mini Session will take place on Saturday 8th November during the day and will be in the Ringwood Nth area of Melbourne. The exact location will be given once booking is finalised. The Christmas Mini Session is $120 and full payment is required at time of booking to secure your place and preferred time. Book here now!

Have a great day!

Until next time, happy snapping!


Larissa x