Thursday, 29 January 2015

Framing ideas for your Photography Prints!

A client of mine recently asked me about framing ideas for her photographic prints. My client had an idea around what images from our photo session were her favourites, but was wondering how to best display them in her home.

Her query is a great one and there really are no right or wrong answers here as it really depends on the image or images, the wall space available and personal taste! I thought it would be a great idea to offer some suggestions regarding framing your prints to help give you some inspiration!

One Print as a Feature

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A single framed print will work on any wall space, they key though is the right size for the space. Too large and the print can be overwhelming, too small and the print gets lost. Just right looks fabulous! 

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The above image looks much better - is not overwhelming, not understated.

Two Prints Together

Using two prints on a wall space can look very effective. Again the print size needs to be appropriate for the wall space to be most effective. The prints should also be the same size, use the same frames and the images should relate to each other for the best effect.

Image sourced from

Three Prints Together

Once we start putting three images together, we can start being really creative with how the images are displayed! As with all images, the size of the images will depend on the wall space, but also on the size of the other images. The sizes need to complement each other and not overwhelm the other prints being displayed together. 

Here are some examples of groupings of 3.

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Four Prints Together

Four images together (as well as 6 images together) are my favourite combinations! See below for some inspiration on framing four prints together.

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Five or More Prints Together

With 5 or more prints, the options are only limited by your imagination! Below are some of my favourite combinations!

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Image sourced from

Image sourced from

Image sourced from

Image sourced from

I hope this Blog has provided you with some inspiration for presenting your images in your home! All clients of Larissa Hill Photography have an opportunity to discuss how your final images will be displayed in your home. I bring a range of print sizes and products to your home so that you can see how the various sizes and combinations work on your walls!
If you would like even more inspiration, I have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to framing ideas - the link to my Pinterest site is here

Now is a great time to update your family photos! My website has information about organising your own photography session. Contact me today so that we can discuss how we can create your vision for your home!

Until next time .... Happy snapping!

Larissa x

PS - February will see an exciting offer to all people who subscribe to Larissa Hill Photography's newsletter! Sign up for my newsletter here today to receive this exclusive offer! You will love it!!

Monday, 5 January 2015

9 Top Tips for Capturing Great Holiday Photo's!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone has enjoyed the festive season and are continuing to enjoy our Summer weather (well in the southern hemisphere anyway!) While many people are back to work today (including me!), many of us still have plenty of holiday time left - so here are my 9 top tips for capturing great holiday photos (and these tips can be applied to any situation!)

Tip #1 Have your camera out and ready to go!

While this may sound obvious, there is nothing worse than desperately wanting to photograph something but finding that your camera or smart phone has a flat battery or the camera card is full or your smart phone is out of memory!

This happened to me Christmas Day! We have a tradition every Christmas morning that we video our son opening his Christmas presents - about 1 minute in - my iPhone was full!! Luckily my husband was able to take over on his phone! I'm pretty good at making sure that my camera is always ready to go but now I will also make sure my phone is ready too!

With a little forward planning it does not take much to make sure all is good to go. With my camera, I always down load the images and back them up as soon as possible after taking the photos (usually the same day). That way I know the images are safe and I can remove them from camera card. I also recharge the battery after every session, then I know my camera is good to go at any moment! I'm going to make sure I back up and download my iPhone images regularly so that I don't run out of memory again!

Tip #2 Capture Moments not Poses

Capturing moments is by far my favourite type of photography. Capturing moments allows the photographer to let personalities shine through and really tell a story about what is going on, the relationships between the people being photographed and the feelings and emotions behind each image. The image above and below are "moment captures" and both images tell very different stories!

Tip #3 Click Before and After Set Poses

While Tip #2 is all about capturing moments not poses, there are times when you will want to take posed images. I really enjoy taking photos immediately before and immediately after the posed image as I find that these images are more relaxed and again show personality!

Posed Photo

Immediately after the Posed Photo
The examples above demonstrate how taking another photo immediately after the posed photo can make a real difference. While the top image is OK with everyone looking at the camera and smiling, I prefer the second image as more personality is coming through the images - much more fun!!

Tip #4 Fill the Frame

Get in close! It is so important to fill the frame of your photos with your subject. Images of your subject in the distance (unless of course this is deliberate - but that's another Blog post!) just won't give you great images. Frame your images nice and close in camera for the best results!

The above image would not have had nearly the same impact if his face was way back in the background.

Tip #5 Don't Hesitate, Press the Shutter!

Hesitate and you'll miss the shot! Capturing the best images means you have to be ready to click the shutter without hesitation! While the age of digital photography allows us to take many images without the worry about wasting a roll of film, taking hundreds of photo's in the hope of getting a couple of good shots is a waste of time - you have to go through them all to find them! A much better way to take photo's is to be deliberate in your approach and be ready to click the shutter! A moments hesitation is a moment gone and an inferior image is the result. Capturing these images of the kids jumping in meant that I had to click the shutter at that decisive moment!!

Tip #6 Work With Kids, Not Against Them

By far the best way to photograph kids is by working with them! Kids love to have fun and I promise if they are having fun, they will work with you! The images below were the first images I took that day and my son let out a big groan and told me to put the camera away!! Within a minute they were eating out of my hand as I encouraged them to jump into the water and I'd take their photo and show them!! They loved it!!

Tip #7 Tell a Story

Tell a story with your images - let viewers know what was happening. The images will also remind you of what was happening! Here's a great story from our swim .....

The kids thought it was fantastic every time River joined us in the pool - my son spent considerable time coaxing him in for a swim! I probably would have forgotten if it weren't for these images.

Tip #8 Make Sure You Are In Some!

I am most guilty of this - I tend to feel much more comfortable behind the camera, not in front of it! But I want my son to remember that I was there with him having fun not just taking photos all the time! With selfies all the rage right now, this is my preferred method of getting myself in images! Other methods include using a timer or asking someone to take the photo for you.

A very rare photo of me! Complete with photo bomber in the background! Love it!

Tip # 9 Put Your Camera Down

Yes I know this is a post about tips for holiday photos! I think this is an important tip though! I can be guilty of having the camera out a bit too much and I need to remember to put it away! So while I may have my camera out nearly every day, I have taken the pressure off myself to capture everything all the time and have allowed myself to capture some of the time.

I hope you have enjoyed my tips! I would love to hear some of your tips for taking great holiday photographs - please comment below. I would love to see some of your holiday images too! Please post them below!

Until next time - happy snapping!

Larissa x

PS - Have you signed up to my newsletter? Head on over to to sign up - be the first to know about specials and promotions and updates - and I promise with everything that I have coming up in 2015, you won't want to miss out!!

PPS - Are you a mum? Do you know some other great mum's? You won't want to miss an opportunity to win my upcoming promotion - it is AMAZING!!!! Sign up to my newsletter today!!

About Larissa Hill

Larissa is based in Melbourne, Australia and is a child and family portrait and lifestyle photographer. Larissa is married with one son, a dog, 2 cats and a huge tropical fish tank! Larissa enjoys all things photography, SCUBA diving and snorkelling, reading and hanging out with family and friends. Larissa's website showcases her photography -